Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bring on the Green... but wait

Okay so life as a new mom has apparently turned me into a weirdo environmental hippy. It all started when I decided to "try out" cloth diapering. It was something I was interested in mostly because I'm cheap or Thrifty which sounds nicer. I would have never imagined that I would jump at the chance to tell all of my friends how they should do it (nicely of course) or how I would now be trying to come up with other things that I can use cloth for. I used to pack all my leftovers in ziplocks to eliminate almost all extra dishes, now I'm considering making my own reusable washable bags. I'm planning on switch to cloth wipes soon and cloth napkins and and and... well today I hit a road block. Today I learned about "family cloth wipes"... um... yeah. The theory is good, if cloth is better for baby then um... well... no thanks. I just can't image having people over and them discovering that there happens to be no TP for their own personal use... I guess we all have our limits, I just found mine.

Monday, August 16, 2010


I'd like to welcome myself to the-twirly-skirt blog by explaining the name. My life is about to enter a crazy new phase. We decided to kick it all of by visiting some dear friends of ours in Arizona. While we were there my friend and I got to chat and craft while our husbands shot things on the xbox. One of the projects my friend made was a "twirly skirt" for her 4.5 year old daughter. I spent most of my time trying to make some headway in the quilt that I still haven't finished for my 2.5 month old son. While I don't have a daughter to make a whimsical skirt for, I can't help but want to make one anyway and once I finish this darn quilt I will.

In a few weeks my husband will leave for a year on his very first deployment and my 4 month old son and I will work hard to keep a home while he's away. This will be a place for me to post my projects (which will hopefully be many) and talk about life as a new mom where I can share my opinions about overpriced baby products and how overnight everyday became laundry day.